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8th May 2.30pm on line webinar, to book your place or find out more on how webinars work Click Here
Do we have all the answers to successful lead-free wave soldering? No, and to quote a well-known soldering metallurgist, we often don’t even know all the questions. Lead-free is new to many and the wave soldering process is the most affected by the change of materials with cost increase in alloy, solder bath and copper erosion plus increased temperatures all make process change demanding. During this presentation we will look at the practical experience to date and try to provide answers to as many questions that have come to light during early introduction. The presenter has produced training video and interactive CD-ROMs on wave soldering and conducted the Electrovert “Workshop of Machine Soldering” for over 10 years with theory and hands on sessions worldwide
After the webinar there is a Q&A session which provides ample time for all delegate questions to be answered. However, if a delegate has a process example they would like cover in the webinar it will need to be provided in advance of the session
Each webinar last approximately 60-90mins with the opportunity for questions
Presented by Bob Willis
Topics include:
Checking key aspects in design
Copper erosion problems
Effect of tin-lead on joint reliability
Equipment settings, pre heat, fluxer, wave settings
Inert soldering
Effect of bath contaminates
Quality control checks
Common soldering defects, causes and cures
A copy of the slides presented during the webinar are provided at the end of the event