One full production line and an advanced NPI New Product Introduction line were featured at SEE – Scandinavian Electronics Event. The feature was organised by Lars Wallin with his young assistant Bob Willis
During the show we produced one main board and one special SIR test board featured below. The plan is to conduct a series of tests on the boards in the coming months and present the results at a special conference in September. Our one day conference will showcase these results gathered from the work of some of the industry’s most well know research establishments. The conference will be hosted by Lars & Bob with many national and international speakers
The conference will also include a table top exhibition with many of the industry’s best known suppliers of advanced process equipment and materials to answer your questions. For further information on the conference Click Here
Conference topics include:
Reliability of solder joints
Surface cleanliness
Conformal coating assessment
Stencil type and printing yields
X-ray inspection and process monitoring