The Experience concept started many years ago with running feature areas at exhibitions across the world. The main aim was to provide practical examples of technology in action and to provide an educational experience for engineers. This led to creating and organising feature areas with many partners and supporting organisations. We have organised exhibition floor seminars and defect advice areas at all of the major exhibitions worldwide and happy to work with you. In addition for smaller features we run the Process Defect Clinic Live, providing unbiased answers and solutions to process problems live at shows. Its FREE consultancy at shows to visitors and exhibitors
Two new features we have planned are the Low Temperature Soldering Experience and the Robotic Soldering Experience we would love to run at an event for engineers
The Experience concepts have been run with the following organisations, SMART Group, IPC & SMTA, NEW Exhibitions & Nepcon in United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and Chicago, San Diego & Los Vegas in USA. A brand new concept for this year will be “BGA, Fine Pitch, Underfill & Conformal Coating Rework Experience” which we ran at SMT Nuremberg, Germany and SMTA International, USA
The following are some of Bob Willis hands on feature areas, show floor seminars, Defect Clinics and discussion sessions run at exhibitions and conferences around the world
IPC Area Array Rework & Repair Experience Live at NEW Electronics UK & SMT Germany 2016
Video promotion for the IPC and NPL Production Feature
NPL Defect Database Live at APEX 2011 & 2012 & Productronica Shows
Solder Paste & Solder Joint Inspection Experience SMTA International 2015, Productronica 2015 & NEW 2015
Video promotion for the NPL/SMART Group Production Feature at Productronica
Cleaning & Conformal Coating Experience Productronica 2013 & NEW 2014
Lead-Free Interactive Forum Productronica 2005
Package On Package Design & Assembly Experience NEW UK & SMTA International 2014
Simultaneous Double Sided Reflow Soldering Experience Nepcon UK 2001
Pin in Hole Intrusive Reflow – Harting Connectors – Productronica/Hanover Fair 2001
Lead-Free Soldering Live Experience SMART Group One, Two & Three 2004 – 2006