Improving Electronic Reliability – Through Product & Process Qualification at NPL – Downloads of past webinars
For over five years we have been organising technical webinars for NPL and they are all available, including a copy of the presentations, to view on line FREE. All you need to do is register for any of the topics to list to past events or organise a technology event on site for your team. The 2018 NPL Webinar Series should be announced before Christmas but there is a lot available now
Electrical Metrology for Flexible and Printed Electronics (12 September)
Electrical Performance of Organic Substrate Materials and Coatings Aged at High Temperature (11 July)
UV Inspection and Thickness Measurement of Conformal Coatings (9 May)
Techniques for the Characterisation of Printed Electrodes and Sensor Materials (14 March)
Characterisation of High Temperature Component Interconnect Materials (10 January)
NPL Future of Interconnection Reliability – The Way Forward (1 December)
Solder Joint and Cleanliness Reliability Assessment in Production (Sweden Project) (9 November)
Development of Condensation Testing and Industry Benefits (14 September)
How Good Are Conformal Coatings at Preventing Sn Whisker Failures? (20 July)
Impact of Surface Mount Rework on Reliability (11 May)
High Temperature Electronic Joining – How does HMP solder perform compared to new alternatives? (17 March)
Testing Solder Mask for Assembly Process Compatibility (18 January)
Measuring Coating Protection Performance under Condensing Conditions (30 November)
CAF Conductive Anodic Filaments – How to Avoid Failure (16 November)
The Future of High Temperature Interconnect (16 September)
Practical Applications of Carbon Based Nanomaterials in Electronics (14 September)
Tin Whisker Mitigation Measurements using a Test Vehicle based on a Printed Circuit Assembly (13 July)
Characterisation and Life-time Prediction of Printed Electronics Interconnects (11 May)
Smart Textiles for Wearable Technology (16 March)
Laser & Robotic Iron Soldering for Electronics Assembly (19 January)
Solderless Interconnect for Future Electronics Assembly (19 November)
Using Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR) to Qualify Production Processes and Materials (10 September)
Solderability Assessment – Testing, Ageing and Practical Impact on Assembly Yield (10 June)
Effectiveness of Baking to Remove Moisture from Between PCB Ground Planes (18 March)
How to Test and Qualify Packages with Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) (4 February)
Cleanliness Assessment Using Solvent Extract and Ionic Extraction to Improve Reliability (3 December)
Guide to Temperature Profiling for Wave, Reflow and Selective Soldering (29 October)
Environmental Robustness: Measuring Performance Coatings and High Temperature Interconnects (3 September)
Functionalisation and Applications of Nanomaterials for Electronic Applications (8 July)
Through Hole Reliability for High Aspect via Holes (11 June)
Reuse of Electronic Products (15 May)
BGA Reliability – The Effects of Solder Joint Voiding and Uneven Stand-Off Height (30 April)
The Attraction of Sn Tin Whiskers (6 March)
Benefits of Using Nitrogen During Soldering and Determining PPM Levels (14 February)
CAF Conductive Anodic Filaments – How To Avoid Failure (22 January)
Practical Applications for Nano Electronics (10 October)
Review of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Modelling in the Development of RoHS & WEEE (15 August)
Practical Applications for Printed Electronics (3 July)
Effectiveness of Baking to Remove Moisture from Between PCB Ground Planes (7 June)
Assessment of Re-terminated RoHS Components for SnPb Applications (9 May)
Impact of Copper Dissolution in Lead-Free Manufacture with Different Alloys (4 April)
Using Mechanical Testing to Diagnose Design, Product & Process Failures (21 February)
Characterisation of Solder Joints, Test Methods & Typical Failure Modes (24 January)
Cleanliness Assessment Using Solvent Extract & Ionic Extraction to Improve Reliability (24 November)
Using Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR) to Qualify Production Processes & Materials (8 November)
How to Test & Qualify Packages with Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) (27 October)
Solderability Assessment – Testing, Ageing & Practical Impact on Assembly Yield (11 October)
X-Ray Fluorescence Testing Results with Laboratory & Handheld Systems (8 September)
Tin Whiskers Evaluation Techniques & Benefits of Conformal Coating (22 June)