Coming Soon a New Webinar
Solder Shorts & How to Eliminate Them – In Selective & Wave Soldering presented by Bob Willis
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Solder short and unsoldered joints are fundamental defects in manufacture and can occur due to design, process change, change in materials or poor process set-up. Some fundamental choices in the methods of assembly and soldering process will increase solder shorts and this session will look at the causes and cures of the solder short
During the session, your presenter will show many causes of solder shorts forming and different solutions to the problem, both process and design tricks of the trade. Process tricks are particularly useful to the contract assembler finding it difficult to get design changes pasted customers. However, many changes in design are very simple, quick and will have no impact on function, reliability or product operation. Some suggestion allows for greater design density and reduce the possibility of product failure
Presented by Bob Willis who spent many years running the Electrovert Wave Soldering Master Class, both one and two-day theory and hands on training in Europe. Bob still runs his own courses on selective and wave soldering for customers worldwide
Each webinar last approximately 60-90 mins with the opportunity for questions. Registered delegates on the webinar can send their own solder balling problems for discussion during the Click Here
Topics covered include:
Selective & wave soldering process
Flux activity
Solder drainage
Wetting speed
Design & layout
Solder shorts
Solder flags
Solder whisker
Impact of solder pallet design
Process optimisation
A copy of the slides presented during the webinar are provided at the end of the event